Friday 28 February 2014

Drawing shenanigans

G was a lucky girl and got a huge colouring in haul from her Aunty. G decided to explore the environment outside if colouring books with the texta's and crayons.... Luckily it was easy to remove!!!

Wednesday 26 February 2014

My little mumma

G is such a little mumma! She feeds her baby's, pats them to sleep...puts them on the potty!! So cute. 

Monday 10 February 2014

Toddler life is chaos - return of the baby blog!

Working four days a week and looking after a toddler got the best of me, I had to take a break from the blogging world.  But I have returned!  Just in time to become a Stay at home mummy (SAHM).  Circumstances mean that I am now taking hiatus from work for at least a year to be home with G.  I am kinda excited as well as hoping that she doesn't drive me to putting her as an Ebay listing.  I have started to prepare by restocking the art supplies - highly recommend ONLY these crayons and markers, they wash off so easily.  I have been caught out by ones that come with colouring in material and once Gwen had blue smurf hands for a couple of days when it wouldn't wash off :-)