Sunday, 22 July 2012

I got a Yeller! And pretty headbands :-)

My baby yells, loudly.  She is 6 months old and she yells when she is frustrated or bored - which is a lot when you are a 6 month old baby who cannot move anywhere (why won't you move baby!).  At first I thought, oh no way I will put a stop to this.  Rookie first time parent mistake.  Baby makes the rules sometimes, especially when they are to young to discipline or reason with.  So I went on my normal baby forum and expressed my anxiety about the yelling - apparently other people have yellers as well.  They could not help me find the magic button to switch the yelling off.  I then was reading my baby magazine that I get though Zinio (and its free!), and found the following pages helpful.  Apparently if you have a yeller, that means your child is a social child and thats the way they express themselves and you should talk to them in a 'quiet' voice so they learn whats acceptable.  I am using my quiet voice a lot (unless I am really getting yelled at a lot and then I may say loudly please stop yelling!).

G is at the age where she is perfectly cute and interactive (people love her!), she also loves other babies and small children.  She can grab at things and is really curious (apart from the not trying to move anywhere).  This is helpful as she is also at the age where she yells loudly and gets cranky easily - its harder than when she was a newborn as I was prepared for the newborn stuff, not prepared for this bit.  She is teething as well and having real trouble with it - her top two are coming through and she is biting hard on her fingers, drooling and being very sad at times.  Poor baby G.  I bit the bullet and bought the Ebook Wonder Weeks, as I have the hard copy but it was just to hard to access since I am not home all the time and we tend to travel a bit.  It was only $9.99 from amazon, so I was glad I did because I got to learn that although she isn't in a Wonder Week, she is in a clingy, cranky phase that is not linked to developmental leaps (which is why its not a Wonder Week), and that by week 30 she will be her happy self again (pending teething issues).  We are in week 29 - one week to go whoo hoo!

Today  at the local library baby playgroup (check your local library most have some kind of baby get together), there was a tiny baby girl wearing a headband that G has, that I bought from Ebay. So cute!  This week I finally got a bunch of headbands that I bought ages ago from Ebay (so long ago I can't leave feedback because its gone from my buying history!), it was an absolute bargain about ten different coloured headbands for $9.  Here is a pic of one of the colours:

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