Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Being a Big Baby about it ;-P

My baby is ten kilos. TEN kilos, little chubba six month old (only one more week till 7 mths OMG).  Everyone always says 'wow look at those cheeks' or 'your eating well aren't you'.  Actually she isn't eating well, milk is like normal (I am trying to introduce water and sippy cups with no success at the moment) but no to the solids still.  Its now been over a month and I have got her to open her mouth and actually eat only a handful of times, maybe not even that.

I have tried everything, different spoons, different foods, different chairs, pretending to eat it myself, pretending its an aeroplane..... nothing is working.  So although I did not want to do baby led weaning, I decided I had to try something!  So I bought this mesh feeder from Coles from Tommee Tippee, so basically you put large solids in there and the baby eats through it (without choking on the big bits), while they get used to eating solids.  Have I mentioned that G does not like putting things in her mouth, she is not like a normal baby who puts everything in their mouths!  She only puts her fingers in to chew on them (she is teething), so naturally when I presented this to her with a banana in it, she had no desire to put it to her mouth!  But she did like the texture of the smooshy banana, so she played with it for ages lol.  I am really struggling with this as I feel like I am failing, how am I going to teach my kid to eat! I have borrowed a whole stack of weaning books from the library so will continue to try and get G to willingly have some yummy food :-).  Wish me luck!

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