Tuesday, 19 June 2012

More storage options and let the sales begin

Now baby is fully interactive - well not fully she still can't move anywhere (for now eek), she is making full use of her rattles and activity mats and books etc.  Being so excited about her loving her toys, I have purchased a few - I have tried not to go overboard though, but its so hard to restrain :-).  I am trying to get to the toy library to see if there are things there that we can borrow for her, to save the $$ and the clutter - to be honest the clutter bothers me the most!  Having said how much I dislike clutter, we embarked yet again on trying to find some kind of toy storage facility.  For those who remember my multiple posts about trying to find a wardrobe we both agreed on, you can imagine the saga that we were about to embark on.  After looking at a few things, I realised that my Hubby had envisioned a pure white baby room while I envisioned a pretty pink functional little girls room.  Guess what, I won - purely because we couldn't find what my Hubby wanted (and what I also agreed to) and also because really nice sterile baby stuff is so expensive!

After looking around for awhile, I got nightmares about who long it took to buy the wardrobe and I kept get sick of having nowhere to store her toys, so we bought this from ToysRus on sale for $69.  Her daddy thinks its very tacky and poor quality, and you know what, he is a little bit right.  But it fits into her princess pink theme quite well and it really serves its purpose.  Daddy wanted a white big toy box, which I felt was impractical as it would be hard to keep clean, it would be hard to find things in a big box and I was really worried about when she was old enough to go get her toys and pack them away she would catch her fingers on the lid.  WHO knew it was so hard to agree on these things, while some parents found the demands and the cries of babies quite confronting and unexpected, I find the agreeing on the baby decor dilemmas quite unexpected lol.  Here is pic of my cute little 5.5month old monkey, her tights are from Target, her coat is from Big W - with a handmade crochet flower and a crochet Owl beanie from Etsy:http://www.etsy.com/shop/handmadedonna.

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