Saturday, 9 June 2012

baby needs a new dress

G has gone up to size zero.  Size zero is for 6-12 months, G is 5 months.  EEK.  I can still squeeze her into stretchy 00, but I am officially pulling out her bags of zeros.  Thats right - BAGS of zeros!  I started stocking up at sales and then stocking up sales - because zero is supposed to last 6 months, we need twice as much as previous sizes...right? :-).  Unfortunately I have just realised that she is going to clearly grow out of size zero's before she is one unless she loses a lot of chubba bubba when she starts crawling.  So we are going to need to start buying size one's now instead of zeros cause she has enough clothes in that size!  Anywho, Target had 40% off babies and kids clothing the other night for their stocktake sale, I picked up some Winter staples - all in size zeros.....I apologise in advance for the crazy formatting of the below pics of some of the Target haul (blogger platform i will learn how to use you properly one day!):

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