Saturday, 31 March 2012

Travel mat and on ya bike

Now that baby G is batting at toys and really starting to play with them, I've discovered a dilemma! How do I keep baby entertained when we go away on holidays or even down to the park. For the last holiday I bought a bouncer that can be easily assembled and disassembled, and a family member borrowed us an activity mat. For another upcoming holiday i went on the look out for a portable activity mat. It was a simple to find as I hoped, while a lot of the activity centres are fold up and portable they are still pretty big to try and fit into luggage. I ended up finding a fold up activity may at Babies r Us: It was quite expensive $69.95, but I think the use we will get out of it will be worth it, including at home use. Though I only just watched the video of how to use it when I was grabbing the link for this post and have realized I wasn't putting it up properly whoops!

I'm trying to limit our big ticket purchases, for example we haven't got a jumparoo yet, but I am tempted to get this trike: I figure it's actually really good value as it lasts for years, I have always thought these push trikes were a good idea as babies get frustrated in the pram the older they get and this way they feel like they are in control a bit more.

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