Saturday, 3 March 2012

Janie & jack and winter target

I love all the little girl clothes on the Janie and Jack website: They are so elegant, but a little out of my price range. Maybe when little G is a bit older I might get a few pieces from Janie and Jack but now not only does she have way to many clothes for a 9 week old, but they are a little $$ for such short term wear.

I did buy little g some bonds leggings and singlet onsies and bibs from Big W - I am loving Bonds for babies at the moment. I also snuck into Target who were having 20% off babies clothes and picked up this dress and tights and long sleeve heart short. I actually picked up a cardigan and another dress with tights as well. Even with the 20% off they were quite $$, but I adore the smocks with tights looks (and they were ballerina slippers tights as well how cute!) and I needed some Warner clothes for her as we are visiting friends in the south. I was a little bit frugal and got them in 00, even though she is still 000 - that way she can wear them when we have our tropical winter on a few months.

Look of the day for me is Sass and Bide denim skirt - I bought this so long ago I have no idea how much it cost! One teaspoon short - I have this on grey and black the are my HG shirts and I heart them to death! Look of the day for G is a tutu dress and headband - I think I paid about $10 for it from: G is looking very awkward in this photo, she was super tired and I couldn't get her to sleep so I decided to play dress ups, as soon as I took this photo I changed her back into her nap clothes and age fell asleep - lol!

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