Monday, 7 November 2011

Getting comfortable, not stylish - eek!

BellyBean Pillow

At 32 weeks I have become very uncomfortable with lower back pain while walking and sleeping at night.  When I wake up in the middle of the night, and try to get comfortable, my hips hurt and its a bit of a pill!  I had tried heat packs, stretches - deep therapy massage actually helped considerably.  At my physio appointment today I got diagnosed with Pelvic Girdle Pain, which  is triggered by the release of to much Relaxin hormone.  POo!  So now I have to do a few things (including always engaging my pelvic muscles ;-).  ONe is to get a maternity pillow - but I am shuddering at paying out the $90 for a bellybean maternity pillow.  It looks like it would be perfect, its just a shame it is so expensive!!  I plan to have another Little One after this one, so whats the price of comfort for two pregnancies....!

The other things was to invest in a core stability belt $50.  This is supposed to not be visable under clothing. 

Finally, pregnancy Yoga!  So I have enrolled in a 5 week pregnancy yoga workshop (which brings me three weeks to baby arriving!).  Hopefully the combination of all these things will help relieve the pain.  Though high heels are definetly out now until after baby :-( Sad FAce.

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