Monday, 7 January 2013

why is it so hard to find toys

I guess all the toys got bought up at Xmas!  I went looking for a water activity table and a plastic baby doll for G.  Cannot find either anywhere.  Seriously I can understand the water activity table dilemma - but a plain plastic baby doll??  I ended up buying this tiny plastic baby doll for the bath.  Sigh.

Am having major dramas with toy clutter.  We have a small house, and her room is upstairs so it is impractical to continually store things in there and pull them out every day.  She doesn't even have that many toys, I wonder what other parents do. I am thinking of buying big storage clear plastic boxes and putting big labels on them like, wheels/cars/trains etc, balls, blocks, rattles.  I think I just have to resign myself to the fact to live in a clutter free nice home I will just have to be super organised in putting things away for G and getting them back out. It would probably only take three boxes to actually store everything away under the stairs.

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