Wednesday, 23 May 2012

my baby got TOOFY!!

My little one is nearly five months old.  I have been thinking of introducing solids for a few weeks, I went and bought a travel food container and spoon.  I bought heaps of baby food from the supermarket - pouches and jars, I figured I may as well find out what G likes before I waste my time making it (have I mentioned that I have returned to work already!!).  So because my baby is in the above average percentile, I have been a bit hesitant to start her off on solids in a hurry. Plus I haven't bought a high chair yet.

Soooo, a couple of weeks ago we thought she was teething, her cheeks were really red and she was drooling heaps and munching on her fingers  - we even got the doctor to check to see if he could see any teeth breaking through (he couldn't).  And I thought she was a bit young anyway. In the last week she seemed fine, an Angel in fact is how I would describe her, and I totally forgot about checking for teeth.  And then I had to go to work on Monday and I rang her daycare at lunch to see how she was going and they said good..and did you know she has cut TWO teeth!!! TWO! In my defence even when I picked her up I couldn't tell, but I could feel them :-), only two days later I have been able to get a good glimpse of them - and she is still an angel - so full of love for my little munchkin.  I feel like I should be upset that the daycare were the first to spot it ( a fear of mine that they get to see all her milestones not me - even though she is only in two days a week), but I honestly think I probably would still not have noticed (she has been good and I thought she was still to young!!).

Now that she has actual teeth, I guess I better get onto that solid feeding caper, I am off to buy a highchair tomorrow and we are beginning!  Such exciting times ahead.  Oh yeah, one more thing.  I only have one bib - a personalised one I bought from Ebay ages ago.  We use her wraps to clean up spew etc. Inspired by the upcoming solids feeding, I bought another one from Ebay, me thinks that I am still going to be needing more than two bibs....

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