Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Travel with my little bug

At nearly 16 weeks (4 months!), baby g and I have done two big trips. A flight to Sydney and a flight to Melbourne, two lovely holidays to visit respective grandparents. They both went really well so I thought I would share some things that worked for me. A poncho - this is one identical to mine and is from Portmans. I wore it with the Bonds maternity singlet so it gave me coverage and easy access during flights, pull side of poncho up and unclip singlet - breastfeeding at takeoff and landing to help little bubba's ears. I made a mistake the first time i hired a car thinking it was easier to hire the baby seat as well. What a nightmare, little g hated the seat and I wasn't familiar with it - forget it - the next time we just took hers from home - its free luggage on the flight anyway. I bought the same toy that hung above her seat at home to hang in the hire car. We also bought a sound monitor to travel with and to take to bbq's and get togethers at friends (I'll blog about the monitor next post). G is still little so I didn't need to take food, many toys etc so it's still a bit easier then it will be as she gets older. as previously blogged I also purchased a bouncer that was easy to take apart and put back together and a travel activity mat.

I did have one hiccup though, i have an excessive amount of wraps - Target and Big W have some cute patterns and they are handy to clean up spew and dribble and for her to chew on and sometimes to keep her warm. But I got caught out at the airport with only one wrap, so I couldn't put her on the ground to play. Luckily Sydney airport have a Seed store: :www.seedheritage.com/w1/i1002170/ and they have some super gorgeous stuff thats way out of my price range. I ended up paying $50 for a double sided blanket/wrap. Don't get me wrong, it's very cute and lovely fabric - but there is not much difference from. the cute Target $20 wraps. But I will definitely get my $50 worth out of it anyway :-).

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