Saturday, 28 April 2012

Baby room (4months later!)

So we have the wardrobe, and now we have wall decals: When I pulled them out of their packaging Baby G stared at the flowers decal so I think she is a fan :-). Once we put them up and paint the trims I will post a pic. All that's left is a chandelier, blinds and then baby G's cot moved into her room (the last bit probably won't be for awhile even though she is starting to babble in her sleep waking me up!).

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Big Brother

At the moment I have no plans to relocate bub into her own room anytime soon, she (and I) are very comfy with her being in our room, in her cot. However I needed a monitor for various reason: if we go for a swim in the pool I can't hear her wake up, when we are at other peoples house either socializing or staying over her room is not always near where the adults are socializing! I couldn't decide in what kind of monitor to get, so I ended up just getting a cheap Fisher and Price one from Target - it was $49. It actually does the job really well for what I need it for right now. But its not the right monitor for when bub goes into her own room at night, it has alot of static and it also beeps when it's out of range, and for some reason it randomly thinks its out of range and beeps! So I'm on the lookout for a new one with a video. I'm thinking about this one The Fisher and Price one is just awesome though for traveling or visiting people, tuck bub away in the portacot and then you can hear her if she wakes up!

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Fly the flag

My husband is an Essendon fan. This as a Melbourne AFL team, I am not from Victoria so don't know much about AFL. Last year for his birthday we flew to Melbourne and watched Essendon play at the MCG. OMG, AFL fans are full on!!! So I thought it would be cute to buy from Target an Essendon onsie for little G that comes with a bib and a beanie. I thought Hubby would be suitably impressed at my purchase, but turns out he is a little bit worried that it will make her look like the child of one of those crazy fans. I think she looks like cute:-).

I bought the onsie from Target online as they didn't have any instore, it kind of annoyed me to pay postage, but it was 20% off anyway - so I threw in this cute kitty cat winter coat and pants to justify the postage. I cant empasize enough how awesome Target is for little girl clothes. They are having a summer sale and luckily it's quite warm where we are pretty much all year round, so I picked up summer dresses and playsuits and shorts for as little as $3 an outfit and the most expensive was an Elmo fairy dress for $10. Most of it was reduced from $24!! Luckily the next size up is zero and that's supposed to last six months vs the three month wardrobe life we have been running with so far.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Travel with my little bug

At nearly 16 weeks (4 months!), baby g and I have done two big trips. A flight to Sydney and a flight to Melbourne, two lovely holidays to visit respective grandparents. They both went really well so I thought I would share some things that worked for me. A poncho - this is one identical to mine and is from Portmans. I wore it with the Bonds maternity singlet so it gave me coverage and easy access during flights, pull side of poncho up and unclip singlet - breastfeeding at takeoff and landing to help little bubba's ears. I made a mistake the first time i hired a car thinking it was easier to hire the baby seat as well. What a nightmare, little g hated the seat and I wasn't familiar with it - forget it - the next time we just took hers from home - its free luggage on the flight anyway. I bought the same toy that hung above her seat at home to hang in the hire car. We also bought a sound monitor to travel with and to take to bbq's and get togethers at friends (I'll blog about the monitor next post). G is still little so I didn't need to take food, many toys etc so it's still a bit easier then it will be as she gets older. as previously blogged I also purchased a bouncer that was easy to take apart and put back together and a travel activity mat.

I did have one hiccup though, i have an excessive amount of wraps - Target and Big W have some cute patterns and they are handy to clean up spew and dribble and for her to chew on and sometimes to keep her warm. But I got caught out at the airport with only one wrap, so I couldn't put her on the ground to play. Luckily Sydney airport have a Seed store: and they have some super gorgeous stuff thats way out of my price range. I ended up paying $50 for a double sided blanket/wrap. Don't get me wrong, it's very cute and lovely fabric - but there is not much difference from. the cute Target $20 wraps. But I will definitely get my $50 worth out of it anyway :-).

Monday, 9 April 2012

Jump around and then carry me!

We have decided to get a jumparoo. We have to buy brand new, but I figure we will keep it for the second kiddlie and the resale value will be good as well. We tried the jolly jumper but it's kind of a pain to set up and get her in to. A jumparoo has an activity centre plus it's portable and more convenient. Ps, I'm so glad we didn't pay for the activity centre we have because we don't need both and the jumparoo is an activity centre plus a jumper!

We also need a baby bjorn as she is a bit clingy and that would make my life so much easier, plus daddy is keen to start carrying her around. My sister says she has one (somewhere!) we can borrow, but if its not suitable I want the bb comfort carrier as it lasts up until she is two years old: