Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Mirror mirror and look of the day

Baby G sits in her car capsule facing the rear of the car (as per safety standards). Unfortunately this means I cannot see her when I am in the front :-(. I feel distressed when I can't see her, so I went to babies r us and bought a baby car mirror which hubby installed. But then we couldn't see her the mirror! It didn't do the job AT all, so off to Target to buy another one. This one looked like it should do the job but I was a bit resigned to all baby car mirrors being crap. Once installed I could barely make out Baby G and definitely not enough to see if she was ok or not! After doing more research I am outta ideas it seems like there is actually no good car mirror on the market. Very sad face.

I have been very slack with look of the day photos - I just keep forgetting to take photos! This look of the day was a cotton on dress that I specifically bought for breast feeding - which worked a treat when I had to breastfeed when we were it at breakie and there were no parent rooms anywhere. Baby G is wearing a 'daddy's little princess' shirt with summer tights from Target :-).

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