Monday, 19 September 2011

Frugality and Pregnancy

To be able to still make my fashion purchases without going into debt (I dont own a credit card and after a long time digging my way out of debt only have a mortgage and a car loan), I have learnt how to be frugal while still enjoying the good things in life.

One of the ways I have utilised frugality in my pregnancy is to save money by buying no pregnancy books (I have bought two Iphone pregnancy apps though - Sprout (not worth it) and BabyBump (def worth it!).  However since I have found out about little babe I have had the latest pregnancy books on my book shelf.    I am huge book reader so get all my books from the public library, turns out you can get pretty much every latest pregnancy book from my local library.  If I see it at the book store - its at my library as well, and maybe because pregnant ladies like to have the comfort of their own books, it means nobody wants the books from my library! I have about 40 out (guilty face), but noone has reserved them and the few I have had to return I have been able to borrow again straight away.  They also have all the Mother and Parenting mags as well and all the Mariam Stoppard books.

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