Saturday, 22 September 2012

Travelling well

We are still in transit and I am so proud that my little one is such a great traveller! Plane trips, car trips and many different places and she has just been awesome. She has also started moving a bit more as well which is promising, I am very glad she waited until after our travels to start crawling - it has made life a lot easier! Here is a headless photo of my munchkin playing on the floor. She isn't even crawling yet and still makes huge messes! I couldn't resist buying her some books this week, some from the post office and some from Costco! That's it for now though as she has her own library card so we can borrow her books from the library once she gets sick of her own books.

Thursday, 20 September 2012


my apologies for this upside down photo of the Minnie and Mickey Mouse beanies, I am uploading it the right way but blogger keeps flipping it.  Please Blogger upgrade your formatting its so glitchy!

Due to transit and stupid slow laptop and blogger limitations on the ipad - I havent updated my blogs for a while :-(.  I have heaps to update so will hopefully will catch up soon.  I am still stocking up on size one cheapies, the dress below was from Best and Less for $8.00 and the beanies are a minnie mouse and a mickey mouse that my mum knitted.  She also knitted a Hello Kitty one that I have to take a photo of .  G is still squeezing into size zero's - but the arms in long sleeve tops are sure getting tight lol.  Because we are moving, I had to take G out of the childcare centre she was in.  It was a very sad day as they were great people and now facing the prospect of not even being able to get childcare where we are going, I am definetly going to miss it and I realise how lucky we were.  Luckily my 8mth old is a fantastic traveller so the move has been long but not painful :-).

Monday, 10 September 2012

Shopping devil

So baby G has discovered the shopping devil. You know what I mean, those cars or carousels that are placed every ten minutes through a shopping centre ! Her Aunty thought it was a good idea to put her on one and while it was very cute, I'm pretty sure in a year when she screams to be put on one I probably won't thinks it's so cute. We are in transit at the moment so G is a bit unsettled, once we relocate and set up her room she will be going back into her cot and I am confident that she will sleep a lot better. Still no movement but she is now eating toast for breakfast! She is growing up so fast,I am really enjoying every moment with her right now. I also couldn't resist getting her these socks from Big W

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Things are on the up and up!

My baby is an absolute joy at the moment.  Tomorrow she will be 8 months old!!  She is just so adorable the memory of the last 6/8 nightmare weeks is quickly fading.  Quite ironically she is supposed to be in a Wonder Week where she is really fussy and difficult - maybe she had it early!  Obviously those two top teeth cause alot of pain for Miss G, but now they are through and life is back to fun and games.  Still not awesome sleeping, but we will get there. She also hasnt been in any kind of hurry to move, which has been fine with me as I know that she will move eventually and the longer my life is easier the better lol.  But the last two days she has been moving a lot, and I think we are very close to crawling eeeeeek.  She is also standing against the couch, very wobbly I must admit.  Because we are in the middle of moving I am not buying her anything, well until we went to playgroup and she loved playing with a ball and then I saw it in Target and it was $5.  It was similar to this one she already has, except that one doesnt really roll and the $5 one does!

Also G hasnt been loving solids either, but there is movement there as well - she is finally starting to put things in her mouth - slowly but surely!  I have been persisting in giving her a ruskit every day, that she always just plays with and never puts in her mouth.  But today at daycare they gave her an Arrowroot biscuit and apparantly she ate half of it!  So I now have a packet of Arrowroot biscuits in my cupboard ready to start giving her :-).    I would put up a photo of ruskits and Arrowroot biscuits, but Blogger, my internet and my computer are all being glitchy tonight so I am giving up!

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Etsy Etsy Etsy

Etsy has been an amazing find for buying personalised baby related stuff.  Its funny though, I have not bought anything for myself on Etsy!  For Fathers Day I ordered a personalised key chain for Hubby that said Happy Fathers Day love from G (and her birth date).  Unfortunately its the first time I have been really disappointed with an Etsy product, it looked really cheap and not well made :-(.  I also bought a personalised mug with a photo of her and a happy fathers day message - and I was happy with that so I will put up a link to her shop: